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Crafted with a keen eye for modern aesthetics, this decor piece is designed to be the perfect complement to your home.


Crafted with a keen eye for modern aesthetics, this decor piece is designed to be the perfect complement to your home.


This set seamlessly merges functionality with modern aesthetics. It includes varying sizes, allowing you to create a dynamic and visually appealing arrangement with your favorite plants.

Matt black with round handles / Gold inside.


Whether placed on a bookshelf or as a centerpiece on a table, this accessory becomes a captivating focal point that draws attention and admiration.


Whether placed on a bookshelf or as a centerpiece on a table, this accessory becomes a captivating focal point that draws attention and admiration.


Adding a touch of artistic flair and visual intrigue to your space has never been easier thanks to this modern masterpiece. 


Adding a touch of artistic flair and visual intrigue to your space has never been easier thanks to this modern masterpiece. 


Crafted with a keen eye for modern aesthetics, this set is designed to be the perfect complement to your home.


A celebration of creativity and individuality. Its minimalist yet expressive presence adds a touch of sophistication to any room without overshadowing existing decor.